Neural Networks - First steps

~10 lines of code = algorithm to predict numbers within an image!! Cool huh?! I still suffering with Octave / Matlab, but today’s progress tells me I’m on track. :-) Neural Networking predicting numbers :-)


How to install Skype on Fedora

I’ve been using this bash script for a certain time to install Skype on my Fedora boxes and it has been working very well. The install brings resources like Skype Video working like a charm, so, it needs to be shared :-). To do the install, you’re able to clone the Git repo or download it from Github: git clone Uncompress the zip and execute the “installskype” bash script. It will do the installation on your /opt, with a bash script to execute it at your /usr/bin. Have fun!!


geeklist-php 0.1 released

You can see this post in portuguese too. Hey! I’d like to present you geeklist-php. This LGPL library is able to fetch cards content of a given/valid username on social network, and return them as a JSON or simple array for you. The trick in this library is it does not require an API key from Geeklist. It intends to be PSR-[0|1|2] compatible, brings an autoloader to make the work easier, and is ready-to-use with Composer. Simply add in the composer.json of your project: { "require": { "arglbr/geeklist-php": "dev-master" } } Get it, fork it, Use it, Improve it!


Mozilla BrowserID: More one way to sign in

Você pode ver este post em português também. Recently I have tested the authentication mechanism offered by Mozilla at July/2011. At first sight, the idea is excelent and simple. It offers an easy alternative to be built, more secure, portable and decentralized. More one alternative for the OpenID and oAuth, with the advantage of almost everyone have an e-mail account, thus being able to deal with these much more naturally. In your proposal, the Mozilla Labs suggests the authentication be done with first factor, using any e-mail address of the user as your identity. Say also that the authentication be decentralized and server based, instead of domain and website based.


ZCE 5.3 - Zend Certification: My happy experience

Você pode ler este post em português também. I’m very happy with the result and with the congratulations received, thank you people. [caption id=“attachment_323” align=“alignright” width=“193” caption=“Aplausos!”][/caption] I wrote here my impression about the test, and what I did to get certified. THE TEST Calm down, take it easy, the test is not so hard! I think the only important point is that you must be a PHP programmer, using it in day to day, and somehow (at work and/or in your personal projects) being in contact with items as closures, namespaces and OOP in general; Do not leave questions empty!